Error on deployment


  "error": {
    "error": {
      "code": "itemNotFound",
      "message": "The resource could not be found.",
      "innerError": {
        "date": "2022-01-14T09:29:32",
        "request-id": "7fee4456-abd6-4258-aeb0-4f03ee43bd13",
        "client-request-id": "7fee4456-abd6-4258-aeb0-4f03ee43bd13"

You did not specify a valid directory inside your OneDrive for sharing.

  1. You must have a folder in your OneDrive present.
  2. You must define the absolute path of the folder under baseDirectory in site.config.js.

Error 504

{ "error": { "code": "504", "message": "An error occurred with your deployment" } }

This may happen for a various reasons, but you definitely f*cked up some config either in site.config.js or set the Redis URL incorrectly.

  1. Check baseDirectory, previous versions don't have detailed error handling and if you are using a previous version then you may encounter this issue (same solution as the itemNotFound issue above)
  2. Check your Redis URL defined in the environment variable in Vercel, which is REDIS_URL. If you are using Upstash, and you enabled SSL, then the URL may look similar to rediss://:[email protected]:xxx - notice the rediss instead of redis and the ://:xx instead of ://xx.